Print + Environment

Night Kitchen Bakery mask

Night Kitchen Bakery ad

Night Kitchen Bakery ad

Night Kitchen Bakery t-shirt

Congressman Dwight Evans' State of the District Report

Boy Bomb label design

Boy Bomb label design

Binswanger corporate brochure

Cosmic Catering ad

Cosmic Catering business card

Mt Airy annual report

Go Mt Airy t-shirt

Go Mt Airy street banners

Mt. Airy Street Fare postcard

Mt. Airy brunch sessions postcard

Germantown Ave reusable tote (delivered to every resident)

John Barone Photography business cards

Jyoti menu

Live 8 ad

Lamb Squad real estate postcard

Malmark handbells

Malmark handbells

Malmark handbells

Maternal Wellness Center ad

Maternal Wellness Center ad

Peregrine Charter Flights ad

Peregrine Charter Flights ad

Peregrine Charter Flights ad

Primitive World Productions banner

Primitive World Productions DVD

Primitive World Productions tote

Reebok Blacktop ad

Reebok Blacktop ad

?RU business card

?RU product line

Tony Lukes ad

Tony Lukes ad

True Up business card

United Healthcare ad

Villa corporate brochure

Virtua ad

Virtua corporate brochure

Virtua corporate brochure

Philadelphia Public School District

Trolley Car Cafe design

Trolley Car Diner menus (viewfinder is kids' menu)

Trolley Car Diner placemats

Trolley Car Diner beer carton

Trolley Car Diner ad

PFCU billboard

PFCU billboard

PFCU billboard

PFCU bus wrap

PFCU bus wrap